Wednesday 8 February 2006

"That's not my Daddy!"

Phil left for India at 7am. 

I took Alexander and Cameron ice skating. We met Sonia, Alan and Bradley there. 

We skated for about an hour, before I fell flat on my face, and Cameron did as well. Unfortunately Cameron came off worse than me! He managed to split his chin open, and off to the hospital we went. 

Sonia took Alexander to her place. Alan came with me, as his German is better than mine. 

Thankfully both admin and staff all spoke English. 

Cameron is very brave with stitches (he has had his chin stitched up twice previously). At the end, the nurse told him he was very brave. The nurse gave him a certificate and also a syringe to play with in the bath (minus the needle). 

Nurse:"You can squirt water at your daddy" pointing to Alan. 
Cameron: "That's not my Daddy, my Daddy is in India" 

The 2 nurses raised their eyebrows at each other....there was no point in explaining any further. 

As we left, Alan was howling laughing and saying "Well, that will give them something to talk about for the rest of the afternoon" 

Hope not to go back there too soon, and hopefully they will not recognise us!

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