Monday 24 May 2010

Boats on the Canals

We decided to see Amsterdam from the canals.  We bought a 24 hour ticket which covered a number of different boats, complete with commentary and routes, and allowed us to hop on and hop off at any dock.

Travelling by boat in Amsterdam seems to be as common as travelling by bike.  There were some very interesting watercraft to watch.

This one has an Australian flag on the back
Not sure how long this one had been there?
Travelling under the bridges was nice.
Bigger boats and tour boats in the larger canals near the harbour.

Boats are as popular as bikes.
On a sunny day, everyone is out in a boat with a bottle of wine.
Some people have more than 1 bottle of wine.

And this guy was happy to wander around the canal playing his trumpet and piano in his tiny little boat.
He made everyone smile!

It was a great way to see more of Amsterdam.

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