Saturday, 5 June 2010

Polish Pottery

Another mad trip to Poland...this one was great fun!

Up at 3am, to be at Schoneberg S Bahn by 4am.

Picked up by Karen at the S Bahn and we drove 3 hours to Poland to the town called Bolesławiec.

Bolesławiec is well known for it's painted pottery, and there are lots of factories and shops selling all sorts of designs.

We were there before 7am, and previous times that Karen had visited, all the stores were open at 7am.  Possibly due to the econmic crisis??  the shops now open at 8am.  So we had  a little bit of a wait, but Karen explained some of the things to look out for, and we had food and drink to keep us going.

Karen's advice to us newbies at buying Polish Pottery was fantastic, and we managed to work our way through the shops and factory outlets. 

I have lots of mugs in a certain size that I have collected over the years I have been in Berlin, and each one I have collected had a different pattern.

My aim for this trip was to buy some more mugs, and some serving dishes, but ensure that I had nothing in the same pattern in the same shape.

Being super organised, I had this photo of my current pottery in my camera.  As I made purchases at the different stores, I took photos of the things I bought, so I could double check on the camera that I didn't buy the same pattern.  My plan worked really well!

Here is a display of pottery outside one of the stores.

One factory had their designs hanging on the tree.
There were these large pots sitting in many of the roundabouts in the streets.
The mad shoppers....
Nicole, Becky, Janet, Emy and Karen.
One of the displays in one of the stores
A mug for Michael Jackson, I am not sure when he will be in to purchase it!
We got home about 5pm, exhausted, but had a great day.
The boxes of pottery sat in the corner until the next day, as I was so tired.
Here is the stash.
The serving dishes are a perfect size for us.
The new mugs to go with my current collection

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