Tuesday, 21 March 2006

Brocken on the Brockenbahn

Anything to do with transport trains, buses, planes, boats, we are there. 

Alexander can tell you the stations on our train line in Berlin close to our home and which stations to get off for the connecting trains! So, the steam train to the top of the mountain was a highlight of the trip for the boys. 

It takes an hour and 1/2 to get to the top. The scenery along the way was amazing! It looked fabulous with all the snow still on the trees. There were another 4-5 families on the same train as us. Some families missed the first train, but came up on the second train. 

The snow got thicker the higher we climbed. At the top the snow was about 3 metres high. It was incredible. You could see a street lamp post buried, and all you could see way the top of the light, with the post totally covered in snow! At the top, the trees were buried, and the tops were totally covered in snow. It reminded me of pictures in a Dr Seuss book. 

These snow covered trees took on a life of their own, and they looked like large snowmen. I think at dusk they could look quite spooky!  The view from the top of Brocken was amazing. The trees were totally covered in snow and bent over from the weight. From a distance they looked like people. 

We had forgotten to take the sleds, (still in Michelle and Gordon's car), but we had a few plastic bags with us in our backpacks. So the kids (and dads) went down the slope on the bags. They had a great time, and we all had a lot of fun. When the kids had to wait for a bag, they decided to go down the slope without the bag....penguin style, head first, on your tummy, and hands by your side.

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