School finished Friday afternoon, and we were on the plane to Oz Saturday morning.
After a delay in London for 6 hours, we had a non eventful flight and we arrived in Melbourne 33 hours later.....damn it's a long flight. We all caught up on the latest movies, and got a bit of sleep.
Tuesday we flew up to Sydney for the week. We were going to go in August, however Cass told us that this was school holidays, and it would be a good chance to catch up with friends during the days.

We love Circular Quay with the Bridge and the Opera House.

The only problem with this was this was World Youth Day....(although it goes all week, so the boys couldn't understand why it isn't called World Youth Week). The plane was full of Catholics heading up for the celebrations. We had seen news reports of buses of teenagers heading up to Sydney via bus and singing all the way....I hoped that we wouldn't have a flight full of singing...thankfully they all were saving their singing for once they landed in the airport (our jetlag had really started to kick in by then)

Sydney had the same sort of vibe that it had when we had the Olympics. It was lots of fun to be in the city and see all the people with their flags of their countries.
We found some German girls and spoke German to them (the only time we spoke German for the next 7 weeks). They were surprised that the boys were able to talk to them too! Briana found the Irish group and got her photo taken with some of them!

Cameron wouldn't stand in front of Jesus.....I love the painting on this one..there were lots of other painted statues, but this was the best one (I think)

Cameron, Alexander and Briana in the George Street Mall, with a washed out Centrepoint Tower in the background

The Tank Stream Fountain near Circular Quay by Stephan Walker.

Alexander's Ferry...we usually see it at Circular Quay!

Cass and I, with the Toaster building behind us.

We got some Free Hugs from some Spanish girls...
see this link for background info on Free's great!