This week we have had trouble with ants...they have managed to climb up to the 3rd floor of our building into our kitchen...they bypassed both other neighbours and set upon us!
After finding out the right stuff to buy, and where to buy it, I finally found the stuff I needed "Amiesenkoeder" Lay these out, the ants will eat the poison and take the poison back to their nests and that should be that! (just like Aussie Ant Rid).
Next door was an Asian shop that has been recommended to me for different Asian and Indian foods, so I thought I would pop in and see what they had, before I start planning exotic dinners.This Asian shop had EVERYTHING...and I will be there often! Much to my delight they had soft brown sugar....and even better MILO!!!!

We ran out of our year supply of Milo about a month ago, and we all miss it! They are only small tins, and they cost more than I would normally pay for Milo...but we are desparate! This Milo is made in Kenya, so it will be interesting to see if it the same...we don't's MILO!!!

Alexander is a Field Mouse in the school play this year....bugger...I really like it when he is a narrator, and I don't have to worry about making a costume! Off to Idee, and picked up a Burda pattern (lucky for "Carnival" they have a good selection of costumes to chose from.
I found some light grey and pink (pink for inside of ears) fabric. The costume is for a cat, but I can adapt this to a mouse surely....I know my cloth making sewing leads a lot to be desired....but surely it can't be that hard (instructions are in German, French and English).
I am thinking about making a separate pair of pants and a top, stitching the tail into the pants. It gets really hot on that middle school hall stage, so I don't want his to pass out from heat exhaustion! The Burda pattern uses the thick fur (not appropriate for Summer on the stage), so I had to think about how I was going to get the ears to stay upright....then I found these Bra Wires, and see what I can do with these...
stay tuned (you may hear me swearing from there when I begin cutting and sewing).
note....after 3 days of squishing ants in the kitchen, I bring home the Amiesenkoeder, and there is not an ant in sight....unbelievable!